What is Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis is a completely natural state that we go in and out of daily. It may be thought of as being like daydreaming. It's a state in which we are usually very deeply relaxed and our conscious mind switches off for a while. This can enable connection to our subconscious mind, where habits are formed and memories and experiences reside.
During hypnotherapy I will guide you to that place of deep relaxation and make suggestions to your subconscious mind to help you achieve the changes you desire. Don't worry, you are in control the whole time and will only take on suggestions that are right for you.
Hypnotherapy may provide relief from psychological issues such as anxiety, panic attacks, phobias; it can be used to change habits such as smoking or nail biting and it may also help to relieve physical symptoms and can be particularly helpful in reducing pain.
Hypnotherapy should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical care and results may vary from person to person.
Contact me for further information or to book a free 30 minute consultation.